Wednesday, September 16, 2009

8 Years Ago

[written on Sunday, September 16, 2001]

It’s the first weekend after the terrorist attacks on the United States.

We now have an immense gouge in our collective consciousness into which has flooded an incredible light illuminating a focused and zealous hatred captive and inextricably bound to a revelation of compassion and resolve in our human state. Thousands of voices silenced give rise to millions of voices stirred from their malaise, self-interest and confusion.

I was filled with a deep, conflicted depression as my mind grappled with the numbing details raging into my eyes, my ears, my heart, my spirit, and a weeping soul.

Life’s natural inclination to life and the momentous current of our total nature suddenly prey to this heinous void.

Stopped in our tracks.

Starring in to the abyss.

This abyss. Rife with an intensity rent from the bleakest of input, unavoidably streaming into our consciousness, an endless conjugation on emptiness.

As we seek answers in the void.

In the dust and twisted details the remnants of our individual and collective memory glimmer ever so dimly.


If you stand on the perimeter of this tragedy and look for fear, fear will find you.

But, if you go into this space, so jarringly manifest, so incredibly real, so sadly exposed, you’ll find yourself.

And in your agreement to be here, you are found .

The hand that is laid on you is your own.

The momentum is you.

Your tracks are revealed as you inevitably engage your life, your phenomenal, some say ‘blessed’, life.
